Back in August, I mentioned the censored iPad version of Playboy, which was selling for the same price as the print version but not including any of the risqué pictures. I posited that it might be meant for those people who “only read Playboy for the articles.”

However, it appears Hugh has made a breakthrough. Hugh Hefner posted to his Twitter feed that the complete 53-year archive of Playboy (already available collected on a USB hard drive) from its launch to the present day will be coming to the iPad in Marchuncensored. So for those who prefer to ogle Playmates than read articles, it looks like Hugh’s got you covered (with the ladies uncovered). No word on whether this will also apply to the Playboy iPhone app.

It’s a little puzzling just how that is going to come about, though, given Steve Jobs’s infamous crusade to keep iPhone and iPad content family-friendly. This will undoubtedly lead to a fair amount of criticism, particularly from those developers whose adult apps don’t have the imprimatur of a 53-year-old brand name behind them.


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