Unbound  1

We previously mentioned Unbound, the new publishing venture that intends to publish books by pitching ideas and then attract support from readers who pledge money to buy the work.  Now, The Bookseller has some more info:

Pledgers will also be able to access the author’s online “shed”, where they can track their progress on the work through blogs and video diaries. Rewards for pledgers depend on the level of support they have demonstrated, with a sliding scale from £10 to £250. Incentives include the pledger getting their name in the back of the special edition, to goodie bags and lunch with the author.

Mitchinson said other suggestions for rewards had already been received, and that at the highest level of funding, Price on Application, Unbound might negotiate a percentage share in the title for an investment of more than £1,000. The amount it takes to fund a project varies, with the total figure covering production costs as well as a fee for the author. The author receives 50% of any profits from their work.

The Unbound team will work with freelance editorial and design staff in order to publish the works, and with three still-to-be-confirmed printing firms. Faber will sell and distribute trade editions of selected titles under an Unbound imprint, making commercial decisions as to which titles to publish with Unbound. If an author is already published by another publisher, that publisher could negotiate a deal with Unbound for the new title.

Mitchinson, a former m.d. of Cassell, said: “Like most -people, I can see 50% of the current book industry moving to digital in the next five years, but it’s notgoing to destroy a love of the beautifully–bound book.”

More info in the article.


  1. hello. i have a question about publishing with you. i read about you in the papers , to explain what i am looking for i must say that i have already self published parts of a memoir on amazon kindle by the name of “the way we live now ‘ memoir of an Asian painter … however i wanted to get it published in paper and distributed ( i also need to edit it and work on the writing carefully) . i wanted to know if you did projects like this one and what would be the conditions ect. thanks

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