
From Publish Your Own Ebooks:

If you are active on Twitter then perhaps you have already seen some excellent lists of twitter hashtags for writers. One good example is Jon Reed’s list of writer hashtags.

If however you want to use Twitter to find information relating to ebook publishing, especially as it applies to indie authors, there are some more specific hashtags being used. I have compiled below a list of the most useful hashtags for ebook authors and publishers.

For those not familiar with hashtags they are basically a keyword beginning with the “#” character. When someone writers a tweet about something they can include a hashtag to make it easier for people interested in that topic to find their tweets. For example I could include hashtags such as #ebooks or #writing in my tweets.

If someone searches for #writing at Twitter they will see all of the recent tweets which include that hashtag. It’s a great way to follow any topic and a good way to find people to follow on Twitter.

Now let’s look at some of the best hashtags for ebook authors and publishers. I suggest keeping in mind the difference between self-publishing or “indie” publishing and ebook publishing, since some of these hashtags are more relevant for one or the other. However in practice I find that people are sometimes interchanging these hashtags. What does that mean for you? Well, if you are seeking information you should probably look at a variety of these hashtags. If you are posting information then you should try and choose the most appropriate hashtags for that particular tweet.


This is an obvious #hashtag so I’ll mention it here even though it is really too general. Sometimes the good tweets about writing or publishing ebooks can become lost among all the tweets about other topics such as reading ebooks and downloading free ebooks.

If you want more targeted information try the following hashtags:

See the rest in the article.


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