images.jpegMany of our readers send me email with links to proposed stories. This is great and much appreciated! On some days reader-submitted links may make up the majority of the posts.

Four things you should know:

1. I will always reply to your email telling you when I’ve posted the link;

2. I will never reply to the email if I don’t use your link. I just don’t have time to give each reader an explanation. Most of the time I don’t use your link because I’ve already gotten the link from another source. Don’t let this discourage you though, keep submitting.

3. I may hold your link for a couple of days, if it isn’t time sensitive, so I can use it on a slow news day, so you may not see it go up right away.

4. Finally, I try to give everyone credit, but please forgive me if I forget to mention your name. By the way, if you don’t want your name mentioned be sure to tell me.

Thanks to all of you who make my life a bit easier!


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