This is Horror, the UK horror site and chapbook publisher, has just announced the shortlist and opened voting for the This Is Horror Awards 2014. The Awards, which have been running since 2011, don’t include any separate shorter fiction categories, but they do include categories for Short Story Collection of the Year and Anthology of the Year, as well as Novel of the Year, Publisher of the Year, Film of the Year, and TV Series of the Year. As a tribute to the popularity of inking, and for Ray Bradbury fans, there’s even a category for Tattoo Artist of the Year.

Voting is by email, with a first and second choice for each category. Voting closes on Tuesday January 2oth, 2015, according to the site, so now is the time to send those votes in.

“This Is Horror is a constantly evolving portal for horror in all its guises,” as the site explains, which endeavors ” to provide the best coverage of new and classic horror on the page, screen and beyond.” And it’s a very strong-looking shortlist, as befits the current resurgence of horror.


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