Screen shot 2011 05 22 at 10 46 11 AM

This presentation was one of the biggest disapointments I’ve had in a long time – especially since I am a tremendous fan of both and have real all their books.

Bear/Stephenson were at the conference solely to drum up investment for their new venture – they said this was the reason they came – and not to impart any real information.  To make it worse their presentation was boring.  They proceded to read from a prepared script with little, if any, enthusiasm.  On top of that they alternated reading lines from the slides in a juvenile way.  At lease Baer smiled once in a while, but Stephenson looked like he hated every minute of the event.  No questions taken, you had to go to a private room for that – I didn’t bother.

A real turn-off.  If this star-crossed pair turns up at a conference you go to – take a potty break instead. Stick to their books.


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