Starting today, you won’t just be able to click on category links such as e-books to see the TeleBlog’s past posts. Via those little (t)s, the TeleBlog now links directly to Technorati’s search engine so you can enjoy others’ posts on similar topics.

Another tip: Don’t be bashful about clicking on __(‘Read the rest of this entry »’). To speed up the pace of the TeleBlog, we’re using the “more” feature and continuing pages. What’s on the home page may be just the tip of the iceberg.

Credit: Thanks to my friend Roger Spergberg, a contributor to the new and already-valuable Electric Forest blog, for encouraging me to do Technorati tags.

Brag mode: In the LawMeme blog out of Yale Law School, tech-and-law maven Ernest Miller called TeleRead the comprehensive source for information regarding ebooks.” Now you can go to Technorati and see for yourself. Does the TeleBlog cover everything? Of course not. But over time, for those interested in industry news and trends and broader social issues, this blog could be of use. The TeleBlog offers not just links but also commentary to put them in perspective.

Refinements: I would rather not have to use “ebooks” with the hypen and without the hypen–and so on. I’ll welcome suggestions as far as the easiest-and-best way of consolidating Technorati terms. I’m using WordPress.


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