Nokia N800How does the new N800 from Nokia stack up against the 770 for e-reading? Roger Sperberg is impressed overall with the features of the N800, shown here. But for reading himself to sleep, he’ll stick to the old machine:

…the top-of-the-device rocker button with the + and – zoom is far easier to use on the 770 than the new formation, and this is significant for use of the internet tablet as an e-book reader. You see, FBReader utilizes + and – to advance (or retreat) in the e-text you’re reading, and it’s just plain easier. Not to mention that, sans cover, the 770 weighs only 6 ounces, which is easier to hold up when you’re lying in bed, reading before falling asleep.

So I’m keeping the 770 and my wife gets the N800.

What’s more, here in the States, the 770 will set you back $350 at CompUSA while the N800 costs $50 more.

Related: MobileWack’s roundup on tablets and Mike Cane’s anti-Nokia rant.

(Via Internet Tablet Talk.)


  1. I’m intrigued that Roger believes that Nokia will continue to offer the 770 alongside the 800. At least that is the impression he leaves me with.

    But the devices are so close in features and price, I’m inclined to doubt that.

    Might Nokia ‘devolve’ the 770 and lower the price on it even more?

    Or – more likely – will Nokia EOL the 770 when the last ones sell out. This raises the prospect of some deals coming soon on the 770 for those who, like Roger, prefer the button placement on the 770.

  2. pond raises some good questions.

    I guess Nokia has a lot of experience introducing new phones and removing aging models that aren’t all that aged.

    But how long the 770 will be offered isn’t something I could even hazard a guess on.

    You may find a used one at eBay from someone upgrading to an N800; I’d say those used devices are a steal at $200.

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