Reading on the grass -- the best library

In the Library of the Future, you won’t need any buildings to get your information or entertainment–it’ll be at your fingertips wherever you are. Your e-reader may even look like a book.

We invite readers to submit photos and ideas about what the Library of the Future will be like. Photos must be yours or be authorized by the photographer, whom we’ll happily identify. My contact info is here.

Photo by Daniel K. Gebhart, Used by permission.


  1. In the library of the future, you will not need a building as a place where books are stored as objects – but, communities will continue to require a place for socialization, discussion, free access, assistance, and instruction elements of current public libraries.

  2. That’s true, Sherry. But if you add “how to find the information you want” and “how to take advantage of all the resources” to the functions of a community center, that may be the building you mean.

    Or maybe the books will gradually clear out (as they did at the undergraduate library of my alma mater, the University of Texas at Austin) and the other types of functions a city provides will migrate over to the “old library building,” where librarians will still be serving people.

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