Thanks to Sam Hendrix, a TeleBlog regular, for the post below. And a reminder: I love the Kindle’s wireless and other goodies I tried out. I just wish Amazon weren’t so DRMcentric. – D.R.

image With all the talk of DRM on the  Kindle, your readers might like another prospective from an actual Kindle owner.

I currently have about 150 books and other items stored on my Kindle. While the device is great for reading books, it is also works as a document reader and as an MP3 player. 

I have downloaded all of the Kindle Chronicle interviews onto my Kindle.  I can listen, at my convenience, to what other Kindle owners are doing and pick up helpful tips, increasing my enjoyment of the machine.

Work-related doc

I also use the Kindle to store and view work related documents.  Recently, I passed my biennial professional licensing test by using the Kindle as a study guide.  I downloaded the pdf study material from my employer and emailed them to my Kindle using the free file conversion provided by Amazon. I found the Kindle’s built in search feature to be especially helpful while studying for my exam. The convenience and portability of the Kindle has made its purchase (for me) totally worthwhile.

Reading faster

I have also noticed a measurable increase in my reading speed since purchasing the Kindle. I am admittedly a fast reader. I read (consume) around 60 – 70 p-books each year.  Since receiving the Kindle I have completed 23 novels in just 8 weeks. 

The Kindle has justified itself as one of the best purchases I have made in quite a while.

Note: Screenshot is from the Chronciles site. – D.R.


  1. Just for fun, Mike, I did a Google search on Kindle mentions vs. Sony Reader mentions in the TeleBlog (I used The results:

    Kindle: 3,650
    Reader: 3,350

    There you go, Mike—the number’s more or less even. Compared to the MSM, we’re saintly.


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