scam.jpegGot an email from Carly Z, from Gear Diary, pointing out what looks like an ebook scam aimed at new iPad users. She discusses it here.

The site in question is, a slick looking job that offers “access to the fastest iPad downloads on the net”. According to them “Members have unlimited access, no restrictions; unlimited free novels, comics newspapers & more; free 24 hour technical support; no monthly or pay per download fees; and finally a huge media selection.

It costs $50, and promises: “Inside the member’s area, you will be able to download thousands of digital books, newspapers and comic books which can be read on your iPad device. There are no complex pieces of software involved, just simple direct downloading.”

However, they don’t have a list of content and if you go to the bottom of the page you find this written in very small type: does not provide a direct database for downloading. provides members with the necessary software, tutorials & unlimited technical support for their downloading needs


When is the next scam going to come along?


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