Phil & Kaja Foglio at their booth at GenCon 2007, taken by Alan De Smet

I am delighted to announce that on Sunday, January 27th at 4 p.m. Eastern/1 p.m. Pacific/10 p.m. Universal (GMT), I will I will be conducting a live call-in talk radio interview with Phil and Kaja Foglio on my podcast The Biblio File.

The interview will focus on the Foglios’ decision to cease publishing print issues of their popular comic book Girl Genius in favor of posting it for free as a webcomic: why they did it, and what effect it has had on the comic’s popularity. Also covered will be such general questions about the Foglios’ other body of work, including Buck Godot and What’s New With Phil and Dixie, as the Foglios have time to answer.

After I finish my prepared questions, I will open the lines to callers to ask their questions.

Anyone who wishes to call in to the show to listen or participate will be welcome to do so. Questions do not need to be only about the Girl Genius webcomic, but can cover anything about their career that you’d like to ask (though I can’t guarantee I’ll get to everybody’s question).

I’ve written a comprehensive page on the various methods of connecting to TalkShoe at that covers in detail all the ways to listen or participate, but I will summarize after the jump:

If you just want to listen, you can do that via streaming audio from the TalkShoe page itself, while the show is airing:

Also, the complete show will subsequently be downloadable as an MP3 file (you can also use RSS to syndicate it to your podcast-sync software of choice if you like). No registration of any kind is necessary to listen, and you don’t need an iPod either—it will play on your computer.

While you listen, you can also participate in the text-based sideband chatroom that goes along with the show—discuss the show and pose your own questions to the guest. All you have to do is click the big purple “Join In” button on the show’s homepage when the show is live. No software download or registration of any kind is necessary; you’ll show up as a “guest.” If you’d like to show up with a handle of your choice, just register—it’s free, quick, and easy. This will also let you download the “TalkShoe Live! Classic” software, which includes free voice-over-IP to connect to the show.

If you would like to phone in and listen that way, as well as having the opportunity to ask a question on the air, you can phone in to (724) 444-7444. (It is a Pittsburgh number, so it will be a long-distance call for most people.) You will be asked to enter the show’s ID number, which is 7022, then press the pound key, then to enter your PIN if you registered. If you did not register, then all you need to do is press 1 # to log in anonymously. Also, if you registered and downloaded the TalkShoe software, you can call in for free; all you need is a good Internet connection and a headset and mic on your computer.

Finally, if you will not be able to participate live but would still like to submit questions, leave them in a comment here or use the contact form at I can’t promise I’ll ask all questions that are submitted but I will try to ask any good ones.


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