website.jpgAs mentioned in her article below, TeleRead contributor Ficbot has opened a website for free and cheap ebooks. Here is what she has to say:

I am not aiming for this website to be simply a giant compilation of every link out there. This will be a more personal site about books I have personally and and vouched for. I realize that my personal taste may be just that, personal, but I am hoping this more intimate approach will help people winnow their way through the vast Slush Pile of the Internet with books that are tried and true (by someone, at least….)

If you also want to read reviews of the more ‘commercial’ books I read, those reviews (and more detailed reviews of some of the books here) can be found on my blog.

If you are an author and you would like me to consider reviewing your ebook, drop me an email and we can discuss the details.

My goal for this website is to point people toward the quality stuff! I want to encourage readers to support independent authors. Genres which interest me include mystery, light romance and general fiction. I am not interested in fantasy, and only rarely read sci-fi.


  1. The interesting thing to me about this is that you’re basically actualizing one of the theoretical “next generation of gatekeeper” methods that have been discussed whenever anybody has talked about “what might come next after publishers”.

    The trusted reviewer is one such. I’m tempted to pick out review some “free e-books” myself, for TeleRead. In fact, I think I’ll do exactly that a little later today. 🙂

  2. Nothing wrong with either of your points, Chris. I feel like the more information the customer has, the better, and maybe it’s time the publishers start to recognize that if they don’t service our needs, we will go elsewhere for content. Viva la revolucion!

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