According to an unnamed TechCrunch source (and reported in Ars Technica) Amazon has shipped over 240,000 Kindles, for a total revenue of almost $100 million—and that is not counting additional revenues from Kindle content.

TechCrunch notes that a new, bigger-screened Kindle is on the way, and suggests that Amazon may be taking aim at the college textbook market next. With college students forced to spend hundreds of dollars a year on hundreds of pounds of textbooks, a cheaper and lighter Kindle solution could have great appeal for gadget-loving members of the captive college market.

But Amazon is far from finished with the traditional print market: it has just purchased used-book e-tailer AbeBooks.

Moderator: Thanks to Chris for the wrap-up. Also see Amazon to acquire Abe Books, Kindle 2 as early as October, perhaps and Is this the REAL Kindle number? 240,000 machines sold. – D.R.


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