Reader GBAV versluys sent me this link. It looks like a most interesting unit from this Korean manufacturer Tamtus. Unfortunately, there is no information about where it can be purchased.


Their site says:

Real-time capture and automatic save on the computer for repeated use
Impressively crisp image and detailed digital reproduction of the page
∧-shaped book cradle that produces flat page with no page curvature
Complete and useful software package that is exclusively designed for digitizing paper documents
Portable and easy to carry Complete the entire scanning at a touch of a button in just a few seconds
Let the user annotate directly over the scanned image

If anyone has more details on this unit please let us know.


  1. Company building mechanical stages introduces a document camera (which you should look at) and realizes that they can use it in a wedge scanner for the low-end market. (I sure hope it’s low-end they’re aiming for.) There are lots of wedge scanners in the patent office, but not many on the market — something I’ve never understood. And none at the low end, where you and I can buy.

    For fixed location and focal distance they will be able to apply simple corrections for image distortion in the software.

    They really should go better than 3 Mpx, though; that works out to fewer than 200 dpi, which can be marginal for OCR.

    But for color image capture, with bound volumes, it sure beats using a copystand and a flattening glass. [You can go to to see where we’d use it for that, as soon as we can get our hands on one.]

  2. It’s not in English, but this is their site link.

    It says it’s mainly intended to be a lecture supplement. (so has OCR and TTS) The company primarily deals with public installations since it’s a registered government supplier, thus aiming for public/educational institutions for its market. (Which means not really a individual-customer centric, it’s not a retail store product, etc.)

    This device has (more or less) $1300~$1600 price tag. They are selling it on the spot.

    Of course, I am not associated with any of above-mentioned entities.

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