steve jordon.jpgIt’s nice to see our regular contributors getting some notice. Steve was interviewed recently by The New York Times and nowThe Tainted Archive has just published an interview. It’s quite a comprehensive job. Here’s how they describe Steve:

Steve Jordan is a pioneer, he is blazing a trail across the digital landscape with his successful E-publishing venture, Steve Jordan books. So well known is he becoming that the New York Times recently interviewed him for a feature looking at the biggest revolution in books since the invention of the printing press. His web-site not only features his own work but offers a detailed look into the entire digital publishing industry. Find Steve’s website HERE and sit back and enjoy our chat with this 21st century man.


  1. Bravo, once again, Steve! … Epublishing is fortunate to have a knowledgeable and interesting spokesperson, to promote ebooks and the future of reading.

    And more: Steve is proving that the pessimists and nay-sayers (including some TeleRead commenters) are dead wrong. It is possible to leap over the roadblocks of corporate publishing, publish Independently, write good books, get some media attention, work in your own unique way — and succeed.

    Michael Pastore
    50 Benefits of Ebooks

  2. Well, Steve, that’s good publicity, and a very well reasoned and sensible interview. But are you sure you want to go on record implying that most people are honest and sensible and that commercial products should actually function reasonably well if they’re sold to the general public? 🙂

    Good Luck,
    Jack Tingle

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