image The iPhone-friendly Stanza e-reader keeps on winning new friends. Book Glutton, known for its shared annotations on its Web site, is the latest publisher to partner with Lexcycle, Stanza’s developer. Image is of a BG book seen in Stanza, and other pictures are here.

Reminder: The ePub standard is Stanza’s flagship format and can be read by other programs. But partner publishers are actually making their content downloadable from within Stanza—an important step toward easy-to-use Kindle alternatives. That is why I keep mentioning Stanza and will do the same for similarly useful products, especially those without DRM. BookGlutton news release follows.


NOVEMBER 25, 2008  -

BookGlutton has partnered with Lexcycle to offer content through its
iPhone application, Stanza. Starting today users will be able to
download select works from the BookGlutton catalog and read them in
Stanza on the iPhone or iPod Touch. The Stanza application is free, as
is the work BookGlutton has chosen to offer through it.

"This was an easy decision," says Aaron MIller, co-founder of
BookGlutton. "It's a win-win situation. Stanza gets more content and
BookGlutton gets more exposure. Both companies use the emerging EPUB
standard, so integration was fairly simple. "

There are a number of categories under BookGlutton in Stanza's Online
Catalog that users can choose from, including Science Fiction Stories,
Top Reads from the BookGlutton Site, Random Recommendations and
Alphabetical Titles and Authors. "We'll be expanding those categories
over time" says Travis Alber, CCO.

To access BookGlutton's e-books through Stanza, users who have the
software installed should go to the Online Catalog and scroll down to
BookGlutton. This link will take users to the available categories.

This is a new direction for BookGlutton, which usually focuses on
community reading online rather than downloads. Launched earlier this
year, creates community around books in an online
e-book application called the Unbound Reader. Visitors to can select a book and discuss the content with each
other from right inside the book, on a chapter-by-chapter basis.

About Lexcycle and Stanza
Lexcycle is a private company that strives to bring the digital
reading revolution to readers around the world. With over 500,000
users in 70 countries, Lexcycle's Stanza is the highest rated and most
popular electronic book reader for the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch

About BookGlutton
Launched in January 2008, BookGlutton is a cross between a book, a
computer and a book group -- a web-based digital reader that lets
users discuss books from the inside. BookGlutton has turned books into
conversations using web 2.0 technologies, allowing people around the
world to connect and chat about books on a page-by-page level. The
Unbound Reader is built entirely on open web standards, is free to
use, and allows both shared comments and real-time chatting on a
chapter-by-chapter basis. Visit


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