DRM Hog Heaven may not last if Sen. Sam Brownback, a conservative Republican, has his way with a forthcoming bill that would help safeguard consumers’ right to make backups and engage in other legal activities–including the reselling of DRM-protected items. Too, like other legislation, the bill would force Hollywood to warn us when it restricted our rights.

Pretty embarrassing for those Democrats with any conscience left. Remember, how the supposed Party of the People kowtowed to Netphobic Hollywooders in return for major political contributions–joined, of course, by Republicans of the Sonny Bono school? In an entertainment context, oppressive DRM is a rather efficient form of regressive income redistribution from poor to rich and young to old. DRM Lite? Fine. But not the cast-iron safe variety.

Be interesting to see how many of Brownback’s GOP friends and sensible Dems can join him–smart Republicans may even see a campaign issue here, the White House’s RIAA/Iraq embarrassment notwithstanding. Meanwhile Brownback’s anticipated bill should serve as a warning to DRM hawks within the Open eBook Forum. Don’t press your luck, folks. Even if the Brownback bill loses, it’s a sign of things to come. Old coots will die off–to be replaced by Net-aware young voters who listen to MP3s on the way to the ballot box. Beware of business models reliant on Clinton-era IP laws.

(CNet via eBookAd.com.)


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