image Congratulations to Sadi Ranson-Polizzotti, poet-novelist and TeleBlog contributor, on a write-up about her and her forthcoming Lewis Carroll book—in the blog for

A link-related media network serving more than two million sites, Snap is even "hosting a mini-contest" to help spread word of the book, which is a groundbreaker. It offers insights on how epilepsy could explain much in Carroll’s vividly imagined works. "As a fellow epileptic," the Snap blog notes, "she immediately recognized her ailment in his writing, which, unbelievably, was a theme that no one had explored previously." Here’s something else you might not know. Lewis Carroll was among the influences on Bob Dylan, and perhaps in a future post, Sadi will elaborate on this.

Meanwhile you can pre-order The Bedside, Bathtub & Armchair Companion to Lewis Carroll via Amazon and help both us and Sadi, via our Amazon Associates link for her.


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