AmazonModerator’s note: James Bridle at will be sharing his work with the TeleBlog—as part of our efforts to aggregate and point to the best e-book-related blogging. Welcome, James! Here is an annotated link list from him.

RSS web feeds for tags at – A small upgrade but a significant one – expect to see a lot more access like this. (Via TechCrunch)

Newspaper reviews are not democratisers – Booksquare looks at shrinking review pages, and critiques the kneejerk response.

Can you patent wisdom? – International rights get interesting: India is creating a high-tech catalogue of traditional knowledge to prevent foreign hucksters ‘pirating’ it.

Digg Surrenders to Mob – This isn’t a publishing story, but what follows is a lesson and/or warning for all those crowd-sourcing ideas out there.

“We hear you” – Kevin Rose, Digg founder, responds in pretty much the only way he could. He’s a good guy, though, I get the impression.

“Fish where the fish are” – Fionnuala Duggan, Director of Random House Group Digital, urges publishers to go look for readers out on the web.


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