For our Minneapolis readers, we’ve created a temporary RSS feed and Web page to help you keep up with the Mao controversy and other library matters such as hours-and-staff cutbacks that the Star-Tribune won’t cover properly. Reach the page via: Reader contributions cherished, regardless of people’s stands!

Plug the RSS feed into Bloglines, MyYahoo or other aggregator. The feed will probably not call attention to new comments, just new posts. But I may be able to address that problem later. Meanwhile this blog also offers temporary Minneapolis and Minnesota categories–the minneapolis.html address will take you to the Minneapolis category.

If enough interest develops, the temporary Minneapolis feed and topic categories may become permanent. Of course I’d love to see Minneapolis librarians and their friends band together on their own Strib bypass, in which case they can pick up material from me. I’d prefer for my own efforts not to be necessary.

Meanwhile, for the curious, no, this is not Another Right-Wing Blog. I’m a lifelong liberal Dem dismayed by the caliber of the Star-Trib’s coverage. Isn’t this supposed to be among the best dailies in the U.S.? Just what’s with those people at the Strib? Don’t their own kids use the library? Whatever the causes of the cutbacks–state or local–this should be an issue for continuing coverage on Page 1, with stories of the effect on K-12 students and other library users. I don’t care if this is or isn’t a new issue. It is important enough to merit ongoing coverage.


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