"if Penguin was successful making good books available cheaply and everywhere in the 1930s, now is the time to think about doing the same thing with e-books." – Hugh McGuire in the Book Oven blog.

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  1. I think Everyman’s Library is just starting to release some titles as ebooks. George Orwell’s 1984 shows up now at Fictionwise — the publisher listed is Random/Everyman’s Library, and the thumbnail picture shows an Everyman cover. If memory serves, a few others are starting to pop up (the Mahfouz Cairo Trilogy, I think, and a couple of others).

    I’d like to see Penguin put out its 3 big Borges volumes, and the Screech translation of Montaigne, in e. Ditto Everyman’s complete Montaigne, Maugham and Kipling and Dahl stories, James M. Cain, and Richard Yates volumes. Among others. Would lay down the credit card for these in a heartbeat. More Modern Library wouldn’t hurt either.

    Bests to all,


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