If you have a reading disability and are qualified to use Bookshare, then there is a new ereader app available.  Here is part of the review of it from TechLearning:

Quality and Effectiveness
Bookshare materials are available in several formats, including HTML, Text, Braille and DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System).  Recently Bookshare released Read2Go, an iPad app combining the features of a DAISY reader with the accessibility tools and functionality available in the Apple iOS. The advantage of using the dedicated Read2Go rather than just Apple’s iBooks with VoiceOver is that qualifying students with Bookshare memberships can connect directly to Bookshare’s online repository to search, download, and read Bookshare books, periodicals and other materials. They can also use Read2Go tools to manage their books in the app’s Bookshelf, Bookmark important passages, adjust audio presentation and display text, and navigate to particular text sections or pages. Another important feature of Read2Go is that the synthetic voices it uses for navigation and reading aloud are of higher quality than the voices available through Apple’s VoiceOver.

Ease of Use
Even first-time users will find Read2Go easy to navigate. The app greets new users with a positive sounding voice that proclaims: “Welcome to Read2Go. Do you want to set the application features now?” Tapping Yes takes you to the first of 4 Audio settings screens where you can change the program voice, adjust the speed of read alouds, and choose different playback options, including AutoPlay, which if turned “on” directs Read2Go to begin reading automatically from where you last left off (see below).


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