Windwalker 1.jpgOriginally posted at Kindle Nation Daily 3.18.2010

The new Kindle for Mac App, like earlier apps for the PC and other devices, allows you to download the latest edition of any Kindle edition blog to which you are a subscriber so that you can read it on your computer and keep it there as long as you like. This is a great way to save blog posts for future reference or research — or simply, in the case of blogs other than this one, because of their great literary quality. It can also be useful if there is a blog post that is full of useful links to which you want to return from time to time, because using Kindle for Mac or the other apps to click on any link in a blog, periodical or ebook will seamlessly take you to the destination web page without closing the Kindle App.

Ordinarily a Kindle edition blog is updated with each new blog so that you have a revolving snapshot of (up to) the 25 latest posts, but when you download a blog’s snapshot to your Kindle for Mac or PC you get to keep that snapshot with your Kindle for Mac or PC Home screen for as long as you wish, and even maintain multiple snapshots of any given blog.

It’s an easy process, and here are the steps. (Unfortunately, for those of you who are thinking along with me at home, this feature is not yet available for Kindle subscriptions to newspapers and magazines.)

Editor’s Note: the remaining part of the article is an illustrated summary of how to go through the steps. Unfortunately, it doesn’t reproduce well in the TeleRead blog format. Please see the original article if you need to follow Stephen’s instructions. PB.


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