
According to The Bookseller, Random House will be releasing, as an ebook and audio download, Beyond Bin Laden: The Future of Terror.  It is a series of essays edited by Pulitzer Prize winner Jon Meacham and will be released in the UK and Commonwealth (but not Canada).  No mention of whether it will be released in the US.

Random House senior editor, Drummond Moir, said:

“It was conceived last Monday and we bought it on Friday. It’s an experiment and it’s very exciting.” On the subject matter, Moir added: “It’s huge news. The essays are very insightful, it has a huge breadth to it. [The essays] have a relevance, we thought it was important to publish it in the UK as well . . . It’s an exciting project, it’s timely.”

He added there were currently no plans to publish in a physical edition at a later date.


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