quick note.pngFrom Monsters and Critics:

Frankfurt – One-third of all new books published in Germany are available in electronic format in addition to print, Germany’s bookselling and publishing association, the Boersenverein, estimated Wednesday. It released the data, based on a survey of 80 publishers representing 30 per cent of the market, on the first day of the Frankfurt Book Fair.

Most leading German publishers have begun giving customers a choice between print and the new e-book format when they buy, but actual sales remain tiny so far. In value terms, e-books still make up less than 1 per cent of the German industry’s annual sales, worth 10 billion euros (14 billion dollars), the Boersenverein said.


  1. Well well.

    Nothing to boast about.

    With the prices they carge over here (eBooks being priced mostly just somewhat below the price for pBook and charged with a VAT of 19% on eBooks against VAt of 7% on pBooks) no one needs to wonder that apparently eReaders sell better than eBooks in Germany(!) …

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