quick note.pngOf course Threepress consulting is one of the major sources to go to for Epub technical stuff. That’s why Liza’s review is important. There’s a lot of detail I don’t begin to understand, but here’s the bottom line:

Overall I’m quite excited that there’s finally a commercial tool for normal humans that produces one-step valid ePub output. If the XHTML output is improved only to use

I’ll be able to recommend Pages without reservation.

However, a more recent tweet of hers says:

Downgrading my Pages/ePub review after looking more at the XHTML: http://bit.ly/bFEjn9 < div > instead of < p > is not OK.


  1. Tested the iPages update last night and agree with everything Liza says. This is a decent first try in what I suspect was a deadline-driven project. The effort to clean up the output files felt similar to the work one must put into InDesign epubs. Given the relatively low price of the iWorks package (versus MS Office), this could quite quickly evolve into a great tool for Mac users who want to write books and produce their own pubs.

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