Screen shot 2009-11-05 at 8.58.43 AM.pngThe chairman of PVI, who makes the e-ink screens everybody uses, says that this is where they are projecting sales. Over 50 new venders are expected to launch ereaders this year. As a result of this PVI is going to triple its capacity at a capital cost of about $1.5 million.

(via E-Reader-Info)


  1. we’ll see what really happens. i’ve had a kindle 2 since february 09, and until last fall all i had seen the entire year had been 1 kindle1, 1 kindle2, 1 dx and a sony reader.

    last evening’s count on my train (and i scanned as i walked almost the entire length) was 3 kindle2’s, a nook, and a kindle1. one of the kindle2 people was sitting next to me, but didn’t get out his device until i’d gotten mine out. now i wonder whether there’s a self-consciousness factor when a reader is new; or concern about getting out an expensive, fragile thing on public transport.

    the train was fairly full, and a lot of riders were reading paper newspapers, and even more were staring at what i presume to have been their smartphones. but one thing i can say for sure: the people i see on the train reading printed books are many in number.

    yep. wait & see.

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