Using the IBIS Reader is free.

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Mike Cook from Project Gutenberg News Writes:

Ibis Reader is probably the best online eReader around at the moment, allowing you to read all your DRM-free EPUB’s in any modern web browser on many different mobile devices, including Google Android and the Apple iPad/iPhone.

Developed by Threepress Consulting, their EPUB reader is the next generation of the Bookworm project (now hosted at O’Reilly), boasting a vastly improved user interface and new features.

Ibis Reader is the perfect companion for any eBook fan especially as Project Gutenberg now provides all their titles in the EPUB format. As an online eReader you’re able to use it straight from your web browser, whether that’s on your laptop or mobile device, and best of all, it’s completely free!

The review includes material about

+ Accessing IBIS

+ Using IBIS on a Laptop

+ Using IBIS on an iPhone/Pad/Touch and Android

Learn More/Register on the IBIS Reader Web Site

Access the Complete Review

Via Resource Shelf


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