pixel qi.jpgThis is a four page article and the first one I’ve seen to give a good description, with diagrams, of how the screen works.

She has near-term plans to improve Pixel Qi’s current display, making it more efficient and offering it in different sizes. And then it may be back to the developing world, this time to spread the influence of television. “People, primarily in India, are coming to me saying, you know, make us a 10-watt TV,” she says. A battery-powered HDTV may sound frivolous but, Jepsen explains, India’s musical movies are a cultural institution that many people get left out of because of a lack of electricity. “We want to see our Bollywood,” they tell her.


  1. On the last page of the article there’s another statement debuking the myth of backlight eye strain on lcds. Hindsight I think ML Jepsen never promoted her screen as a no-eyestrain product, but strictly as a sun-readable one

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