
From Apple Insider:

A new survey of customers who plan to buy Amazon’s Kindle Fire touchscreen tablet found that 26 percent of those said the product has prompted them to delay or put on hold a purchase of Apple’s iPad.

The survey, conducted by ChangeWave and RBC Capital Markets, also indicated that the Kindle Fire has more pent-up demand ahead of its Nov. 16 launch than the iPad 2 had earlier this year. Hype for Amazon’s new tablet with a color screen is said to be driven by the device’s low $199 starting price, or less than half of the entry-level $499 iPad 2.

The results come from a poll of 2,600 respondents conducted in October, and show that 5 percent of respondents said they have already preordered a Kindle Fire or are “very likely” to purchase soon. Prior to the iPad 2 launch, 4 percent of respondents said they were “very likely” to buy Apple’s second-generation tablet.

More in the article.


  1. How about a summary? Instead of misleading hype for a title?

    They surveyed 2600 “early adopters” ( so, not typical consumers )

    5% of those early adopters said they had already ordered or planned to order a Kindle Fire (130 people)

    26% of those early adopters planning to buy or who preordered a Kindle Fire, said they put off an iPad 2 purchase, for now ( they didn’t say they would never buy one. ) which is how many people? 34 (33.8)

    So… 34 people, out of 2600 early tech adopters surveyed, are putting on hold purchasing an iPad 2 while they explore the Kindle Fire option.

    And the Internet goes wild!

    I wonder what the margin of error is for that survey?

    How’s that saying go? Lies, D*mn Lies, and Statistcs?

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