Phosphor Watches has just announced an affordable watch with an E Ink display. At $250 the watch is available with a leather or plastic band. Using the E Ink display the watch can show 14 different faces.

Unfortunately, the picture of the watch itself on the Web site is in Flash, so I couldn’t post it here. The picture above is a display of several of the different faces available on the watch. The site also has an excellent description of how E Ink works here. It uses the Vizplex technology found in the ebook readers now on the market.

Previously the only E Ink watch was the limited edition, extremely expensive Spectrum from Seiko. Why do I mention this?

Because it is alternate uses of the technology which will drive up volume of E Ink usage and drive down the price, thus helping e-book readers to become more affordable in the future. Good news for the e-book community.

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