bs_focus.jpgPeter Watts is one of my favorite authors, and I will go out on a very short limb and say that he is one of the best SF authors currently writing – and even not currently writing. Well, I religiously follow his blog and I hope he doesn’t mind my quoting this: "I was contacted a while back by a fellow named Nicholas Bennett, who had built a little java program for reading e-books off off cellphone displays. He’d already ported a few hundred public domain titles onto this website for free download (including 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea), and was hunting more recent, Creative Commons releases. He wanted to add Blindsight and the Rifters books; I told him to go ahead. (I notice that Karl Schroeder’s Ventus is also up there). One nifty little feature is that you don’t have to load a separate program; the reader is integrated into each downloadable book."

Bennett’s site is BooksinMyPhone and the link points you to the first time here page. It looks like a great idea, but I can’t try it on my iPhone. Will one of our readers please check it out and report back? And you wouldn’t do too badly by reading Watts’  books as the experiment!


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