From a press release I just received:

Penguin Group and Ingram Digital have announced a global agreement for the hosting, management and distribution of e-Book and downloadable Audio Book titles.

Ingram Digital will become the digital repository for Penguin Group e-Book and downloadable Audio Book titles in the U.S., U.K. and Canada. Ingram Digital’s asset management solution, CoreSource, will now host, manage and distribute approximately 11,000 Penguin Group titles in the Canada, the US and the UK, with many more to be added in 2009.

Penguin will further employ Ingram Digital’s Retail Solutions to manage e-Book and downloadable Audio Book fulfillment to Penguin Group websites in North America and the U.K.

Many of these titles will also be made available to retailers through Ingram Digital’s Search and Discover services, which will be launched in North America and Europe in 2009.

In addition, Ingram will further expand its role as Penguin’s e-Book and Audio Book wholesaler for the US, UK and Canada.


  1. >>>Many of these titles will also be made available to retailers through Ingram Digital’s Search and Discover services, which will be launched in North America and Europe in 2009

    I don’t understand that bit.

    Does it tie in with Sony/Borders plans to offer in-store eBook purchasing?

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