Libris“Libris is an eBook reader for Java enabled mobile devices. Libris can be used to read eBooks on most devices that support MIDP 2.0 and CLDC 1.0. Currently, Libris will allow you to read eBooks in the popular PalmDoc format, non-secure eReader books, or in the Libris format. Libris also comes with the MakeLibris utility to convert from text or HTML to the Libris book format.” – Hillbilly Interactive Web site.

Related: TeleBlog reader’s praise for Libris.

Note: The original image from Hillybilly is sharper than the reduced-size version shown here. Branko says I replaced David’s scaled version by an edited one that maintains the original’s sharpness.


  1. I’ve been using Libris for few weeks now, and I love it. The text is very crisp and clear, and easy to read. On my Nokia 6133 about 13 lines with 3 to 5 words per line fit on the screen. There’s a smaller font that fits alot more and is actually quite easy to read as well, but I prefer the larger size. Great for reading anywhere, even in bed with the backlight. I have read on my PDA for years, but now I mostly use my phone.

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