Palm TXDetails from PDA247. listing here for $250. Amazon info here. U.K. price is about 135 pounds, a particular bargain due to a weaker dollar. Includes both WiFi and Blue Tooth. Related: Interesting comparison of three e-book devices, via the eBook Community List. Update, 2:28 p.m., July 5: Sorry, but is now listing the Palm TX Handheld as unavailable. Apparently I bought my own–now on its way to me–just in the nick of time.


  1. With a reduced price, I just hope it’s a fair deal without any hidden defects in it. Otherwise everything’s just amazing–especially the Bluetooth which makes transfer of content and photos much easier.

  2. Steven, I left your comment in because it was on topic. If a robot generated the remark–very possible–it was reasonably on target. With a little editing, the comment can stay. Turing would be proud.

    But I did delete your URL because it came from a commercial site of the kind that has been inundating the TeleBlog. Please let me know the company through which you set up your home improvement site. I would like to contact those folks to tell them to STOP people from trying to use the TeleBlog as a source of free links. We do not charge for links. But neither will the TeleBlog serve as a conduit for organized link campaigns from commercial businesses. If you are not responsive, I will get you on spam lists and complain to Google and your email provider about the unscruplous tactics used. I’d hope you would be cooperative.

    David Rothman

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