Last time, I went over how to set up your Kindle device or app so that you could email files onto it. While this might be the easiest way for people...

The latest business results for Big Five publisher Simon & Schuster, disclosed in the first quarter 2016 earnings release for its parent CBS Corporation, show a slight falloff in overall sales...

A very interesting budget smartphone, which doesn't seem to be available worldwide, but which I've seen advertised at very persuasive prices in Hungarian supermarkets, even, is the Alcatel Pixi 4 (6)....

We’ve been writing about Shelfie for a while now, and I had Shelfied my bookshelves some time ago (back when the app was still called BitLit) but never done much in...

Which comes first---affordable e-books and other media from many places, or the nurturing of Canadian writers, artists, musicians and other creators? And how about other countries' similar measures? I myself am Canadian, not...

The UK's Department for Culture, Media and Sport, the government body responsible for libraries in England and Wales, has issued a "statistical release" in partnership with the UK Arts Council, "Taking...

Ad-blocking software Adblock Plus has long been known for allowing advertisers to pay them to let their “acceptable ads” slide by their block, for users who permit it. However, now it’s...

Today’s xkcd strip is hilarious, all the more so because it lampshades one of the biggest annoyances I’ve had with e-books. I am annoyed, not without justification, with full justification. The...

Shelfie is moving forward with its book/e-book bundling program. This time, it’s announced a partnership with the Harvard Book Store in Cambridge, Massachusetts. When customers buy specific titles from Houghton Mifflin...

Well, that sure took long enough. Two years after the service launched, Amazon Prime Now delivery has finally made the leap from a mobile-only service to having a web ordering window....