overdrivebookmobile“Starting in August 2008, the Digital Bookmobile will host hands-on, interactive training events at public libraries in cities around the United States, including Boston, Cleveland, New York City, Phoenix, Seattle, and Washington, DC.” – OverDrive news release.

The TeleRead take: As much as I dislike the DRM-and-eBabel approach that OverDrive and other vendors use, I’m all in favor of people getting training for the here and now. The more they know about e-books, the more likely they’ll be open to innovations such as social DRM, no DRM, and .epub. Meanwhile I’d like to see more open-source efforts such as FBReader and OpenBerg to provide alternatives—both reading and creation apps.

Coming up in the TeleBlog later today or tomorrow: Librarian Jeff Scott’s tips for libraries and patrons using OverDrive’s audiobooks.

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