Most downloaded1

From the OverDrive Digital Library Blog:

For more than a year, OverDrive has issued monthly “Most Downloaded Books from the Library” lists, which features popular eBook and audiobook downloads from all libraries in our global network. The lists were an instant hit, helping our library partners guide collection development decisions.

Today, we’re excited to announce an expansion of the “Most Downloaded Books from the Library” lists, with territory-specific charts for the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada. Now libraries can use more precise lists to determine titles their local readers want most. Check out what was hot last month below, or click the links to see a full list for each region.

While in the past, it looked like readers across the globe had similar reading interests, consumers also seem to have an intense loyalty to local authors. OverDrive continues to add titles of local interest for all of our library partners, so keep an eye on the blog to find out when more titles and publishers become available.


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