Robert Nagle and I want to see if our anti-spam Dobermans are still gobbling up legitimate comments—in fact this actually happened today to Tamas Simon, a regular poster. Email Robert and cc me. Thanks.


  1. At one time I wondered if there was a nefarious scheme to block my comments by erroneously labeling them as spam. However, I found that my comments were still periodically obstructed by the spam-filtering system even after I joined the blog as a contributor.

    With access to the raw stream of posts one can see that there is an unceasing barrage of spam targeted at the blog. Hence a filtering system seems unavoidable. Some attempted posts are captured and put into a “Moderation Queue” and some posts are put into a “Spam” repository. In principle, diverted messages are retrievable if they can be located within the dross. I sometimes have to rescue my own comments from electronic oblivion.

  2. We search the akismet spam with keywords like “ebooks” “publishing” “copyright” and “literary.” Chances are that if you use any of these keywords we will notice the wrong assignment although not always as prompt as we would like.

    I discovered my own messages being eaten on one day. I think it may have something to do with the frequency of comments you have in a day. if you make over a certain amount, that could trigger something.

    In general, if it’s not being posted within 24 hours, there’s something wrong. Fortunately akismet holds onto spam for about 2 weeks, so that gives us time to catch things.

The TeleRead community values your civil and thoughtful comments. We use a cache, so expect a delay. Problems? E-mail