(Not a geek? You might still want to check out this offer–there are at least a couple of titles that might make good ebook gifts for the geek in your life.)

You may already know that I love O’Reilly Media, the company that publishes lots and lots of tech-oriented manuals and reference works. First, I love them the way you might love any company that collects knowledge, organizes it for easy access, and distributes it for mass consumption.

More important (from an ebook perspective), I love them because they’re one of those few, smart companies that are brave enough to ignore DRM hucksters who convince other publishers to lock up everything they sale, even when it hurts the paying consumer.

O’Reilly will have none of that, and for that reason, when you buy an ebook from them you get it in multiple formats and can read it on any device you like, and on as many as you want. Also, when they update the books, they’ll you know so you can download the latest version for free.

Okay, that’s my spiel for the company. Here’s the deal. Today they sent out a coupon code for their 10 bestselling ebook titles: DDBST will knock the price of any one of those titles down to $9.99.

Most of the titles are specific to computer programming or web development, but there are three that I think would actually make good gifts for a much wider group of people.

“Cooking for Geeks” is sort of a “How to Cook Everything” work that looks at the science behind cooking, so you can learn to modify recipes instead of just following steps.

“Beautiful Visualization” “examines the methods of two dozen visualization experts who approach their projects from a variety of perspectives — as artists, designers, commentators, scientists, analysts, statisticians, and more.”

“Make: Electronics” provides an introduction to the world of electronics, with tutorials on how to make your first circuit, then expanding to more complex projects. It provides an easy ramp for people who want to tinker with electronics but don’t know where to start.

Other titles:

“Tapworthy: Designing Great iPhone Apps”
“Learning Python, Fourth Edition”
“JavaScript Cookbook”
“Regular Expressions Cookbook”
“R in a Nutshell”
“CouchDB: The Definitive Guide”
“Linux in a Nutshell, Sixth Edition”

I don’t receive anything from O’Reilly for any sales from this post–I just like the company and think this is a good deal on high-value ebooks.

Via Chris Walters’ Kindlerama


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