image image Earlier we pointed you to documentation for the new OpenInkpot with an improved interface. Now here’s a download link for a release candidate. List of improvements here, installation manual here and users’ guide here. Please remember, this is just a candidate—not the final software. OpenInkpot replaces proprietary software in some E Ink machines. (Via MobileRead.)

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  1. A bit of warning; heed the cautions on the web site: the newer OI releases format the reader’s onboard storage. It is for good and valid performance reasons but make sure you backup your onboard storage before trying even the Live version.
    I gave up on the official firmware on my BeBook and I’m sticking with the May OpenInkpot snapshot. Stable, fast, and flexible. The few issues I’ve run into are clearly due to the book, not the software.
    Worth a look if your hardware is supported.

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