Motorola 1200Learning from the Nokia 770 and, Motorola is wooing open-source developers for the A1200 GNU/Linux-based mobile phone. Tit for tat, in effect? Remember, the Nokia 770 will be doing VoiP.

The Motorola courtship site is here.

So what are the possibilities for e-book-related apps? Or is this thing just plain not worth the trouble?

Display is a 2.4-inch QVGA–a TFT touchscreen with 320×240 res. Chip is an Intel XScale PXA270. Storage is said to be 8MB expandable to 512MB via microSD cards, aka “T-cards.” So, yes, the 1200 conceivably could hold its share of books.

A related question: What are the obligations of a large outfit like Motorola to the open source community? That’s one of the issues arising in Slashdotters’ comments on the new initiative.

(Via Slashdot and Linux Devices.)


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