Screen shot 2011-01-24 at 2.25.48 PM.pngFrom the press release:

Michel Kripalani, founder and president of Oceanhouse Media, Inc., today announced the company has crossed the one million mark in paid app downloads on Apple’s App Store. Kripalani will be a panelist at this week’s Digital Book World Conference and Expo in New York on Jan. 26 where he’ll discuss the topic “New Kind of Publisher for a New Kind of Product: Emerging Models for Digital Children’s Book Publishing.”

Seven of the company’s omBooks(TM) (Oceanhouse Media digital books) have reached the number one spot on the App Store in the Top Paid Book category. They include: Dr. Seuss’s ABC; The Lorax; One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish; The Cat in the Hat; Green Eggs and Ham; The Berenstain Bears and the Golden Rule; and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Additionally, the company has held the number one spot in Kids Games with Grinchmas! and in Finance with Money, and the Law of Attraction.


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