image_thumb6.pngThe founder of Enhanced Editions, and the publisher of Nick Cave’s The Death of Bunny Munro, doesn’t see Apple moving into the publishing world, despite rumors of tablets, etc.

According to an interview in the Cult of Mac:

CoM: Did you see Gizmodo’s story onWednesday about Apple talking to publishers about the upcoming tablet?

Collingridge: I saw the piece, yes, but IMHO it didn’t break any great news. There have been lots of rumours on my radar and yours about Apple talking to (book) publishers for a relatively long time, but very little evidence of a genuine and aggressive entry into books that I think is credible, sadly.

Perhaps they’ve been dipping their toes into the water of print. There have been equally many rumours suggesting that the contractual machinations of publishing deals make the music industry look simple to Apple. But – the examples cited in the Gizmodo piece are fairly dated – a lot has happened since February. Or perhaps nothing!

Thanks to Nathaniel Hoffelder for the link. For Kat Meyer’s interview with Peter you can go here.


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