Screen shot 2009-11-05 at 8.34.35 AM.pngWell, this is interesting. B&N has over 600 college bookstores and they will be selling the Nook. I wonder how that audience will adapt to it.

Thanks to Nathaniel Hoffelder who sent me a link to the George Mason University bookstore site. As you can see it has a pre-order link for the nook.


  1. To Steve: Many stores will have a nook to see, but not all stores will stock them for immediate purchase. What’s different about that and trying to get new iPhone? Basic supply and demand. Good for them, their product is popular.

  2. I know it’s called the nook, lowercase, by BN, and I know most editors feel they need to uppercase the N to follow normal guidelines, BUT in this day and age where we all use keyboards up and down, lower and upper, if the corporate name of the device is “nook” and it’s imprinted that way on the nook itself, shouldn’t editors get with the program and write it as “nook” in print, too? We will all know what it means. We are not stupid, us Readers!

  3. @Kevin: How many stores will actually have a Nook to see is the question. We don’t know how many they’ll manage to manufacture right away, so the number they have for initial display purposes will probably be low (and knowing display units, they probably won’t last long in the public’s hands). B&N may want it to sound like it’ll be “many,” but we’ll see how “many” stores actually manage to carry even one.

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