Thanks, Deanna. The details of the $140 Amazon deal are here. Check to see if the deal includes the case, at least if that matters to you. Amazon is also selling a 2G memory card ($33.99), though supplies seem to be tight.

Related: Dr. Ellen Hage’s detailed N770 tips, including measures to take against the White Screen of Death.


  1. For those buying N770’s, the WSOD (White Screen of Death) was mentioned in an earlier post here. I found some additional information about what causes it at the following URL. Read posting #14.

    Basically, it says that some batches of N770 were produced with a design flaw that could possibly burn out the LCD controller when the device was powered on. If you have one of those defective units, there seems to be no way to know for sure, and the burnout could happen at any time, or never.

    The recommended fix for all N770’s is to not power-cycle them any more than absolutely necessary. Just put the device into sleep mode by closing the cover, instead.

    I don’t know what the warranty is on all the discounted N770’s being sold, but this may be a case where buying an extended warranty is justified. It is a shame that Nokia didn’t pull all of the affected units and destroy them, instead of letting them be sold as discontinued stock. This has the potential to give them a bad name.

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