1110_nokia_n900.jpgThis is one exciting piece of tech and could turn into a fantastic ereader. The phone is available on pre-order from Amazon at $559. It’s GSM, so it’s a world phone, has a 3.5 inch display, qwerty keyboard, 5-megapixel camera, gps, wifi, bluetooth etc.

This is the replacement for Nokia’s various internet tablets. It uses the new Maemo 5 operating system that Nokia may use to replace Symbian in its high end devices. Along with hardware accelerated graphics the machine has a 1 GHz processor, 32GB of internal storage, 1GB of internal memory and up to 16GB of external storage with a micro SD card.

This is a device that most techies are watching closely. It is more of a pocket computer with a phone included. Currently the Maemo software site doesn’t have any ebook reading software, but I’m sure it will only be a matter of time. FBReader, where are you?


  1. FBReader is there on the FBReader downloads site and also from the Maemo.org website under Office-Business…available for Nokia OSs 2005-2008.
    I used it frequently on my Nokia N770, as I also used eReader and Mobipocket for DRM books. The latter two were via another program whose name I cannot for the life of me remember. I am sure someone will know immediately what I’m referring to.

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