imageAll Kindle 2 buyers will pay $259—for a model including domestic and international wireless.

No more will a special global model sell for $279. Just one Kindle 2 will exist for the  entire cosmos or at least Planet Earth

Smartly, Amazon is sending a refund to existing owners of the international Kindle:

“Good news! Due to strong customer demand for our newest Kindle with U.S. and international wireless, we are consolidating our family of 6″ Kindles. As part of this consolidation, we are lowering the price of the Kindle you just purchased from $279 down to $259. You don’t need to do anything to get the lower price–we are automatically issuing you a $20 refund. This refund should be processed in the next few days and will appear as a credit on your next billing statement.” Amazon email to Kindle customers.”

image By the way, Slashgear has picked up word that an international DX (right photo) is on the way next year. Consolidation ahead for that one, too?

At any rate, Amazon’s latest move is a clever little jab against B&N, which for now is aiming the Nook at the domestic market. On top of that, perhaps in response to B&N’s talk about sharing notes between Nooks and nonNooks, Amazon has improved its Kindle app for the iPhone and iPod. I wouldn’t be surprised if, next, we saw Amazon Kindle apps for Android and maybe, maybe, even for desktop PCs.

Related: Slashgear on price reduction, MobileRead and Google News roundup.


  1. David says: Just one Kindle 2 will exist for the entire cosmos or at least Planet Earth.

    It is certainly good to see the Kindle being available in many countries around the globe, but it does not yet cover “Plant Earth.” There are many counties that are not currently covered (I didn’t count them but they are several dozens). Let us hope that expand their coverage in the near future to really cover the whole planet.

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