image With Earth Day coming up tomorrow, April 22, Fujitsu is ballyhooing the WoodShell Laptop. From PC World:

“The prototype of the WoodShell uses natural materials, such as forest-thinned cedar and bio-based plastics for its housing and parts, according to Fujitsu.

“Fujitsu also plans to display its FMV-BIBLO NX95Y/D, a notebook that uses bio-based plastic materials for part of its housing, at the Milan show. The notebook is only available in Japan, the company said.”

Also in the Hardware Department: Asus to launch Eee PC with Intel’s Atom in June, in PC World. So, guys, when will a tablet appear—wooden or not? Also see Asustek to launch Eee PC with 10-inch Screen.

imageSpeaking of the environment: See How Amazon’s eBabel pollutes the earth, not just the e-book market, my recent post.

And for pro-Kindle viewpoints: Check out The Kindle vs. ‘information snacking’: An Amazon shareholder letter from Jeff Bezos, a post by Wiley executive Joe Wikert. Also upbeat on the Kindle is Good News, Mr. Vanity Fair: Your dream e-reader is almost here, from our newest contributor Steve Tippie, a Tribune Media Services VP and editor-publisher of Opinionated: Voices and Viewpoints on America and the World, a Kindle-format magazine with columnists ranging from Arianna Huffington to Cal Thomas.

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